The 32-Bit System Enabler adds 32-Bit addressing and a larger virtual memory capability to the Macintosh II, Macintosh IIx, Macintosh IIcx, and Macintosh SE/30 running System software version 7.1.
7.1 Enabler Patch.sea 17906
No Description Available
Apple CPU PR 0293.cpt 5102
Apple Press Release dated 02/93 regarding new Macintosh Models.
Apple License Agreement.sit 6284
The oficial Apple Computer Software license agreement. Download & read this file prior to downloading any (C) Apple software from this BBS.
Apple Printer PR 0293.cpt 3833
Apple Press Release dated 02/93 regarding new printers.
Apple SRP Feb 93.cpt 3841
Apple Suggested Retail Price List for February 1993 - this is a condensed version for your reading pleasure.
Apple UGC logos.cpt 108607
Apple User Group Logos
Apple User Groups INFO 5816
Apple User Group Information about user group activities and promotion.
Apple2000 Sys7 Info.cpt 208220
Apple2000 is a great stack on System 7 compatability by a friendly User Group in England named Apple2000. The stack lists compatabilities on software for system 7 and appears quite thorough.
AppleTrueTypeFonts&Software 496338
TrueType fonts and software for use with System 6.x.x
BCM.SEA 44611
No Description Available
CD-ROM & the Macintosh.GLUE.cpt 70845
Guidelines to publication and creating CD ROMs for the Apple Macintosh computer family.
CD-ROM Setup V4.0.image.cpt 336310
Apple’s CD-ROM setup v4.0 image. Contains updated cd drivers and the new Kodak PhotCD driver. Use diskcopy to make a master disk/installer.
CommToolbox ƒ.cpt 229608
Apple Communications Toolbox.
CommTools ƒ.cpt 419257
Communication tools for the Apple Toolbox.
Compat. Checker 2.0.sea 204338
No Description Available
Compatibilty Checker 1.1.cpt 365061
Checks your harddrive for possible conflicts prior to installing System 7 for the first time. Requires Hypercard.
Connectix MODE32.cpt 25467
Mode 32 lets Macs including the SE/30 and IIcx to utilize virtual memory under System 7. Released as freeware through a joint effort by Apple and Connectix.
Customize your Finder 7!.sea 20726
No Description Available
DART™.sea 131485
No Description Available
Disk First Aid 7.1.sea 76147
No Description Available
FastFinder.cpt 10923
FastFinder - contains modified CODE resources which increase the Finder's copy & move buffer, and a few other goodies. The two of most value here are the ones which increase the copy and move buffer size. 300 - 600% increase in copy & move speed. Use them at your own risk. The author includes a Read Me file to describe them and instruct you on how to install them.
Font/DA Mover 4.1.cpt 23275
System 7 compatible version of Font/DA mover
FreeGeneva.sea 18257
No Description Available
FsID.SEA 49325
No Description Available
How to Register a UG 1809
Directions from Apple Computer on how to register your User Group in teach text format.
HP DeskWriter 2.2.sea 205121
No Description Available
The Macintosh Hardware System Update is a set of software enhancements that improve the performance of certain Macintosh computers with System 7.1. Docs included. Image file requires DiskCopy.
Just Add Water(UGC).cpt 610996
Just add Water ... Apple Computers User Group connection book an how to form a User Group in RSG 4.5 format with Text and Picts.
Legalese.cpt 27052
Sample Articles of Incorporation and By Laws for Macintosh User Groups.
LPDownloader 1.15 11432
LaserFont Downloader version 1.15 for System 4.1
Mac Classic II Tech Tour.cpt 53933
This great stack from Apple Computer contains information on Mac Classic II (Tech Tour) along with pictures and technical descriptions. This stack was released in October 1991. Very detailed. All rights reserved. Copyright Apple Computer.
MacinTalk1.5.1.cpt 31933
Apple Computer has given us permission to distribute the previously unreleased super secret Macintalk version 1.4.1. We have tweaked it for maximum performance and compatibility with System 7 and released it as v1.5.1.
MacInTalk2.cpt 18749
This is the system 7 compatible release of MacinTalk 2. With it and a program like CheapTalk, you can make your mac speak!
MinSys.cpt 24281
How to create a minimal operating system disk!
Mode32 v1.2 .sea 40805
No Description Available
Network Software Installer.sea 365879
No Description Available
Personal LW LS.cpt 52599
Personal Laserwriter LS drivers
PowerBook 140/170 Tech Tour.cpt 86914
This great stack from Apple Computer contains information on PowerBook 140/170 (Tech Tour) along with pictures and technical descriptions. This stack was released in October 1991. Very detailed. All rights reserved. Copyright Apple Computer.
Quadra 700 Tech Tour.cpt 72619
This great stack from Apple Computer contains information on Quadra 700 (Tech Tour) along with pictures and technical descriptions. This stack was released in October 1991. Very detailed. All rights reserved. Copyright Apple Computer.
Quadra 900 Tech Tour.cpt 87733
This great stack from Apple Computer contains information on Quadra 900 (Tech Tour) along with pictures and technical descriptions. This stack was released in October 1991. Very detailed. All rights reserved. Copyright Apple Computer.
QuadraVideo.cpt 7672
This file contains great detail on the Quadra Video, monitors that will work, what mode, how much memory, how you can install the memory, differences in the monitor memory for the Quadra 700 & 900 and much more.
Seven-OhSmash!.cpt 404902
Great News....System 7 is here, read all about it!
SoftwareFPU 2.41.sea 49340
No Description Available
SPAudit.sea 123189
No Description Available
System 001.sit 7367
System Enabler 001 - This software may be used only upon conditions stated in file Apple License Agreement.sit available for download from this BBS. READ THIS FILE BEFORE DOWNLOADING. DOWNLOADING OF SOFTWARE CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE CONDITIONS.
System 003.sit 7211
System Enabler 003 - This software may be used only upon conditions stated in file Apple License Agreement.sit available for download from this BBS. READ THIS FILE BEFORE DOWNLOADING. DOWNLOADING OF SOFTWARE CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE CONDITIONS.
System 040.sit 26119
System Enabler 040 - This software may be used only upon conditions stated in file Apple License Agreement.sit available for download from this BBS. READ THIS FILE BEFORE DOWNLOADING. DOWNLOADING OF SOFTWARE CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE CONDITIONS.
System 111.sit 20451
System Enabler 111 - This software may be used only upon conditions stated in file Apple License Agreement.sit available for download from this BBS. READ THIS FILE BEFORE DOWNLOADING. DOWNLOADING OF SOFTWARE CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE CONDITIONS.
System 121.sit 19007
System Enabler 121 - This software may be used only upon conditions stated in file Apple License Agreement.sit available for download from this BBS. READ THIS FILE BEFORE DOWNLOADING. DOWNLOADING OF SOFTWARE CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE CONDITIONS.
System 201.sit 25583
System Enabler 201 - This software may be used only upon conditions stated in file Apple License Agreement.sit available for download from this BBS. READ THIS FILE BEFORE DOWNLOADING. DOWNLOADING OF SOFTWARE CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE CONDITIONS.
System 304.sit 4983
System Enabler 304 - This software may be used only upon conditions stated in file Apple License Agreement.sit available for download from this BBS. READ THIS FILE BEFORE DOWNLOADING. DOWNLOADING OF SOFTWARE CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE CONDITIONS.
System 308.sit 5191
System Enabler 308 - This software may be used only upon conditions stated in file Apple License Agreement.sit available for download from this BBS. READ THIS FILE BEFORE DOWNLOADING. DOWNLOADING OF SOFTWARE CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE CONDITIONS.
System 401.sit 16715
System Enabler 401 - This software may be used only upon conditions stated in file Apple License Agreement.sit available for download from this BBS. READ THIS FILE BEFORE DOWNLOADING. DOWNLOADING OF SOFTWARE CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE CONDITIONS.
System 7 and RAM Basics.cpt 2028
System 7 and RAM (Random Access Memory), how much you really need to run System 7.
System Enablers 0293.sea 139730
No Description Available
System7 Command Keys.cpt 1896
Command keys for System 7
System7 DeskPicture.cpt 26488
System 7 DeskPicture
System7 TuneUp 1.1.1.sea 501092
No Description Available
SystemHack-replace.sea 17191
No Description Available
Teachtext fix.cpt 18935
Bug fix for TeachText - Requires ResEdit & a copy of Teachtext